Wednesday 28 September 2016

Mercury Retrograde - What is it?

Hey everyone! So Mercury was in retrograde, but what does that mean exactly? Not to long ago a friend of mine linked me to a great video by Vox that explains the astronomical phenomenon. See the problem as explained in the video is that when you look it up, you get swarmed with a lot of astrology links but thankfully Vox explains the phenomenon.

What I love about this video is not only does it explain and show you how a retrograde works, it also goes into a bit of the history of it as well! I'd highly recommend subscribing to this channel, they have some really awesome videos on it!

That's all for now, keep your eyes on the night sky everyone!


  1. Wow! That's a great explanation! Thanks for sharing that video!

  2. Wow! That's a great explanation! Thanks for sharing that video!
